Tactics for Reducing Stress and Solving Sticky Problems - A Grab Bag for Hard Times

  • add more time or money: they say time is money. can you add one or the other to reduce pressure?
  • visualize unknowns in detail to bring them into existence. don't worry if it feels arbitrary.
  • adjust your long-term perspective: what are the chances that anything about this situation will matter to you at the end of your life?
  • adjust your identity: the current situation and its outcome will not say anything important to you to the people that matter.
  • focus on contribution rather than achievement: did you make a change for the better? good. was it enough? who can say.
  • eliminate and prioritize: it may be that you have to aim to do less, but better.
  • get help and work it out together: are you effective in using your team members and partner teams as assets toward the larger strategic vision?
  • disentanglement/simplification: assess whether you are treating multiple problems/factors as single, unified, factors. Things that are complex when taken together may be much simpler when you understand that they are separate but related concepts.
  • focus your decision making on action selection and then execute. if no action is available, switch tasks to something where there is action available and revisit the current subject later.
  • talk. this is another form of giving form to the unknown. you were given this task by someone. ask this person questions until you understand the whats and the whys. ask people you trust about the things that concern you. you will convert unknowns into obstacles, which can be avoided or mitigated or incorporated into the solution.
  • don't follow too closely and you won't have to rely on your reflexes and attention. this is an expansion on time and money. on the highway you can choose your following distance. follow too closely and you end up having to react quickly to the driver ahead. a poverty mindset often keeps us from giving large following distance. know that no matter how many cars lane change into the space ahead of you, you will get where you are going.