Focus Five: The Custom Morning Power Questions

So I’ve got an interesting thing going on in my life where I’m diving into the self improvement stuff like crazy trying to engineer a breakthrough for myself. The toolkit for this right now includes the Tim Ferris podcast. Ferris did a 2-part interview with Tony Robbins prior to the release of his new book, Money: Master the Game. During this interview, Ferris mentions a time in the past when he had been listening to one of Robbin’s audio programs, personal power, and I thought to myself that it would be nice to acquire a copy.

Well… it turned out that other people had the same idea because CD versions of Personal Power II starting going up in price about the time that I started shopping. So… armed with the unique asset of the tape deck in my 2005 Honda CR-V, I decided to purchase the audio cassette edition of this program for about $5 plus shipping. Massive win!

The program is meant to be a daily routine with a tape for each day of the week and a task at the end of each tape. The most recent task I’ve set my attention on involves custom crafting 5 morning questions that are designed by me, for me, to put myself in peak state. I’ve done a few cuts at this over the last few days and I’m likely to continue revising this list until it feels right.

Here are my 5 custom questions:

  • What are a couple of things in your life that make you feel wealthy/abundant?
  • What are a couple things you appreciate about friends, family, and people around you?
  • From the last week, what are a couple ways you have grown, learned, disrupted patterns that were holding you back, or started new ones?
  • What are a couple of things am focused on consistently applying or disrupting?
  • What are a couple of things that you’ve noticed in the last week that make you think the world is becoming a better place?

The first two questions are designed to get me into a state where I feel the fullness of all I have to give to the people around me, who deserve everything because they’re awesome people too. The next two questions are meant to put me in a state where I fully feel purposeful and capable in regards to my mastery over myself and my mind. The last question is a bit of a challenge since the way the world is changing can feel daunting at times.

These are my questions. What are your questions? What would you ask yourself each morning to put yourself into a state of appreciation, focus, capability, and limitless possibility? I’d love to hear from you about it. @FrancisLuong